Monday, April 18, 2011

Well good.

So wow. I'm pathetic, just a little bit. Or maybe a big bit. I work in a restaurant, and I want to own my own one day SO I've been thinking about a few things I want to find my own recipes for. One being icing. So what have I done for the past 2 hours? Made 5 different recipes for icing, tasting the hell out of all of them in an attempt to make them the best. I.e. I have eaten like 800 calories worth of icing, which even for a normal person can give someone a sugar coma. I'm in hell. I know tomorrow/later tonight I'm just going to tear myself up over this, which I can't say isn't deserved because it was just entirely unnecessary.
So yea. Anyways. self control. I'm going to try a 5 day fast, that's until Easter. I know that may seem desperate, but its not really. And I know there will be a shit ton of food on easter, cool. So here goes nothing...

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