Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FASTandfurious. (plus day twelve)

 Ok. So first of all, as I've told ya'll, I'm slacking. I'm weak. I'm well over 1500 calories a day and I am DISGUSTING. I literally am grossing myself out. Thus, I'm going to eat under 400 calories (the usual limit) tomorrow, and then reassess and fast until I get down below 160, so around 3 days. Blah fat-assery.

Anyways. Day 12= "How do you usually eat"
I binge. That's not news. I don't know if that's an eating disorder, but with that and not eating aside, my "normal" eating is pretty healthy stuff I suppose. I eat a lot of salads, I like fruits and veggies. But A. I never really am eating "normal," and B. I eat a lot of the stuff that I bake, and I bake everyday. SO. Yea. Overall I'm kind of a failure.

I hope you all are having a much stronger week, I promise to each of you (sooo like 7 people..?) that I will stick to my plan—under 400 tomorrow, fast Thursday/Friday. I gotta refocus on the goal, and ESPECIALLY my deadline! It's quickly approaching!

Love you all
Think thin :]


1 comment:

  1. Hi! i bake all the time aswell, its kind of relaxing and it passes the time. one day i baked all day and never had any of it and ended up fasting for the day. so i'm getting a lot better at just the baking and 'no eating'. maybe try finding some other recipes, like soup. there's heaps of low calories soup recipes. well, just a thought.

    good luck with your plan and stay strong xox
